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INVEsT in you: promote international traineeship programs for Armenian, Georgian and Moldovan students in Central Europe. (IN-VET)

Aim of the project "INVEsT in you: promote international traineeship programs for Armenian, Georgian and Moldovan students  in Central Europe", Project (ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET) is to enhance cooperation between vocational technical education and training (VET) actors in the EU and non-European regions in order to unlock untapped learning opportunities for teachers and entrepreneurial opportunities for students from 3 Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Georgia and Moldova.
The objectives of the project focus on strengthening and developing vocational skills of VET students from disadvantaged groups in the Eastern Partnership countries through different programmes and internships offered by the project partners.
The students will benefit from different vocational orientation trainings organised at national and international level during which they will increase their awareness of skills and the concept of entrepreneurship together with VET students from Armenia and Georgia.
At the same time, during the course of the project, the students from VET will have the opportunity to carry out various internships abroad in different companies in the private sector (Romania, Slovakia, Hungary). During these internships, students will have the opportunity to develop their theoretical and practical knowledge in an international and intercultural setting.
Through the planned activities (seminars, activities involving exchange of experience) the teachers involved in the project will develop and strengthen the necessary skills related to the preparation of students for international programs and mobilities, as well as the organization of various events (ideathon) at national and international level in order to develop entrepreneurial skills of students from the PTI of the Republic of Moldova.
The IN-VET project is coordinated by Startup Szeged - Hungary, in cooperation with partners Ignis plus - Slovakia, Asociația Dezvoltă-me-Develop Me - Romania, ANACEC - Moldova, Skills Agency - Georgia, Youth Cooperation Centre of Dilijan NGO - Armenia.
INVEsT in you: promote international traineeship programs for Armenian, Georgian and Moldovan students  in Central Europe (IN-VET) is from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2025.

02 April 2024

În atenția elevilor și cadrelor didactice din Instituțiile de Învățământ Profesional Tehnic (ÎPT).

